The House of Art Arsen hosts ARSEN stage at the SHIP Festival. The ARSEN LOBBY location where our friends and partners host reception also sits in The House of Art Arsen.
The House of Art Arsen is a multidisciplinary space that connects the community, supports artists and cultural actors, fosters creativity and creation, actively engages with issues of inclusion and social cohesion, while enabling freedom of speech, thought, and artistic expression. The hall of the House of Art Arsen is a unique space in Croatia, thanks to its modular floor that allows for swift and simple transformation of the area. With nearly limitless possibilities for interior design, the space adapts to the program, whether it involves cultural and artistic content or organized private events.
Kuća umjetnosti Arsen multidisciplinarni je prostor koji povezuje zajednicu, podržava umjetnike i kulturne aktere; podržava i potiče stvaranje i kreativnost; aktivno radi na pitanjima inkluzije i društvene kohezije, kao što omogućava slobodu govora, razmišljanja i umjetničkog izražavanja. Dvorana Kuće umjetnosti Arsen jedinstveni je prostor u Hrvatskoj zahvaljujući modularnom podu koji omogućuje brzu i jednostavnu transformaciju prostora. Gotovo neograničena mogućnost oblikovanja interijera prostor prilagođava programu, bilo da se radi o kulturno-umjetničkom sadržaju ili organiziranom privatnom događanju.