
KDK law, copyright and media expert







Kristina Delfin Kanceljak is a lawyer based in Zagreb whose professional focus is intellectual property law, culture, and media. She graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Zagreb (1992) and has been a member of the Croatian Bar Association since then, initially as a trainee and later as an independent lawyer (1996). She attended postgraduate studies in Civil Law at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb and the University Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Study of Intellectual Property at the University of Zagreb. She collaborates with most organizations and entities to protect copyright and related rights in Croatia and with related associations abroad. She is also a permanent legal advisor to many professional associations in culture.

As a lecturer and panellist, she is a regular participant in domestic and international professional gatherings in the field of intellectual property (Croatian Copyright Society, European Association of Organizations for Collective Rights Management AEPO ARTIS, World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO, Council of Organizations for Collective Management of Performers’ Rights – SCAPR). She is one of the founders and a long-time member of the Board of the Croatian Copyright Society. She regularly publishes papers in the Yearbook of the Croatian Copyright Society. She is the co-author of the book “Introduction to Media” (Naklada Jesenski i Turk, 2011), with the work Copyright in Media Industries.