AJMO! na more
Venue: SHIP
Date: 13.09.2024.
Time: 14:00 – 15:15h
Topic info: Project “AJMO” results from the cooperation and planning of the Croatian Music Export Office with the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, which also finances the competition. Noticing the lack of concert activity outside the largest cities, which prevents the development of the music scene, the idea of a project was arrived at, which could create a more permanent support policy for concert promoters and an organisational network. Three hundred bands and 39 organisers applied for the competition, which is really a great success for a pilot project and shows the great need for this kind of support. The support the organisers won through the competition amounts to €10,000 for each. Due to the exceptional quality of the registered candidates, the independent commission and the competition organisers selected 12 organisers. On the ship, as part of the SHIP festival, all winners will be presented and will have the opportunity to network with bands and the media.